What is Bridge & Skyscraper Challenge?
Students from Pre-K to 8th grade will compete to build a bridge, skyscraper or both that can support the most weight. Students will compete in 4 grade groups:
- Pre-K & Kindergarten
- 1st & 2nd Grades
- 3rd - 5th Grades
- 6th-8th Grades
Who Can Compete?
Any Pre-K-8th grade student from any public, private and charter school in Central Ohio.
What are the specifications for building the bridge or skyscraper?
Students will build a bridge and/or skyscraper based upon specifications outlined below. Students may use pre-packaged kits available through Engineering For Kids or can use materials of their own choosing based upon the specifications outlined below.
How does the Competition Work and how is the Master Engineer decided?
The master engineer will be decided within each grade and by project type based upon the amount of weight their structure can hold.
- Bridge Builders - Dowel rod will be inserted at the mid-point of the bridge perpendicular to the bridge sides. Weights will be slowly hung from the rod to test the durability of the project.
- Skyscraper - A 6"x6" piece of cardboard will be place on top of the structure for testing. Weights will slowly be added to the cardboard platform to test the durability of the project.
What Do the Master Engineers Receive?
Within each grade group, prizes will be awarded to:
1st Place:
2nd Place:
3rd Place: